United Church of Christ 

An Open and Affirming Church





 W220 N4915 Town Line Road

Menomonee Falls, WI 53051


Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-2pm 


 Worship  Schedule 


9am Outdoor Worship 

10am Worship Indoor/on Zoom


Redeemer’s Faith Exploration program supports children, youth, and families as they practice and explore their faith, and connect with God, one another, and the world.  Faith grows when it is rooted in community.  Faith grows as we make room for God in our daily lives.




Redeemer uses A Joyful Path: A Spiritual Curriculum for Young Hearts and Minds. This curriculum teaches children to ask questions and be curious, go within and find their own inner guidance and wisdom, take action toward their own success and happiness and much more! 



Adults at Redeemer engage in a wide variety of topics and discussion that can range from a Bible study type of class to hands-on learning of some type. Redeemer strives to offer engaging topics that will continue and support lifelong growth in faith.