United Church of Christ
United Church of Christ
An Open and Affirming Church
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-2pm
9am Outdoor Worship
September 1, 2024
The Song of Songs stands out in scripture because there is equal partnership in the relationship. This is not what the societal norms of the day were teaching. The norms we see in the rest of scripture was power dynamics of men over the women and children who were thought of as property. Marriage wasn’t for love but for a property exchange and for creating children to carry on the family. In the Gospels, we see that Jesus stands up to this power dynamic. I find it very hopeful for the Song of Songs to be in the Hebrew Scripture as a voice for an equal coming together of two people.
"The Good News"
Christianity has been around a long time now, so we are not mostly pagan, but there are more and more people that are new to progressive Christianity, are becoming more progressive than what they have been in the past, or even just evolving and growing in faith. And we’re not sharing the good news to pagans, but to either people of no faith or people of Conservative Christianity and possibly Christian Nationalists. There’s more people of no faith affiliation than there are people of religious affiliation. And let’s be honest, Christianity doesn’t have the best reputation right now. And the good news that Christ is with us is a bold and radical one. Not a tame and safe one.
Social Justice
We are a church that is Learning to Love More. Loving and caring for others in our community is what Jesus has commanded us to do. Watch all of our archived worship services here.
Do Unto Others
Just as water reflects the face,
so one human heart reflects another.
– Proverbs 27:19
Our world seems to be consumed with division–often typified in the colors red and blue. Rather than stay in our monochromatic silos, the Golden Rule in scripture challenges us to engage in conversation and seek to create whatever common good we can with our relatives, friends, and neighbors who we might consider to be on the “other side” politically and ideologically. As we attempt to come together, the idea is not that we are obliterating either one or trying to change each other, but rather we discover the beauty that can be created when we work together to make the world a better place. The “purple space” is where we cultivate kindness, compassion, humility, respect, and love for one another and for the good of all the world, no matter what.